Friday 20 April 2012

A New Japan

By summer 1575, the Mori had held Kyoto for a year unchallenged. The remaining forces of the Anti-Mori Shogunate Alliance (AMSA) show no sign of wanting to retake Kyoto. However, there are rumors of a new grand army of the AMSA forming in the north, but details are sketchy.

From the time that the Mori had occupied Kyoto till now, the Emperor had kept himself in seclusion and rejected all requests for an audience from Daimyo Sanemune. Until now, Daimyo Sanemune had not seen the face of the Emperor. So it came as a surprise that, one morning, as Sanemune prepared to ride out hunting with his retainers, he received an imperial edict ordering him into the presence of the Emperor. Sanemune went to the Imperial Palace without bothering to change out of his hunting garb, followed by his retainers.

They waited for some time in the ante-chamber to the throne room before an officious old man eventually appeared and announced:

"The Emperor will see the Daimyo now."

His retainers watched as Sanemune disappeared behind the great sliding doors of the entrance to the throne room.

~ ~ ~

This was the first time that Sanemune had ever seen the Emperor and he was surprised to find a tender faced young man just about his own age sitting on the Crysanthemum Throne.

"You look younger than I imagined." the Emperor said.

"Likewise." said Sanemune.

"I regret that I had to reject your requests for an audience over the past year. I hope that you are not offended. But I had to consider my position, you see. Until I was sure about you I did not wish to send any wrong messages." the Emperor said.

"In case the AMSA return and kick me out of Kyoto," said Sanemune.

"Yes." said the Emperor after a pause. "My attitude is not honourable I know. We all do what we need to do to survive in this world of wolves. The Emperor is no exception. But now, I think the time is ripe to discuss whether I should give you the thing that only the Emperor can give - legitimacy." .
"There is nothing to consider. Our hold on Kyoto and southern Japan is secure. Soon northern Japan will fall to us." said Sanemune.

"Not quite," the Emperor said with a slight smile. "I hear rumours that another great army of the AMSA is gathering in the north. Some have cautioned me to wait."

"And the Mori will do to that army what we did to the last one!" Sanemune said with conviction. "You want to negotiate with me, but you still do not see, shut up here in your palace, that there is nothing left to negotiate. The old Shogun is finished, the AMSA is finished, there is only one power in Japan - the Mori! A new Japan is growing around you even as you sit here and ponder."

"Not a new Japan... an old Japan with a new Shogun," said the Emperor.

"It will be a new Japan! I will not govern as the old Shogun did, as first among equals. No, I will unify this country. There will be no more clans (not even Mori). No more daimyos. Japan will no more be carved up by artificial borders. Japan will become one nation - Nippon, with one Spirit under one government. This is an opportunity to reshape our country, and I will make the most of it. So you see, I really do not care whether you declare me Shogun or not. We will sweep away the Hojo, Yamana and Hatakeyama, and together with them, the old feudal order. Your highness, I will leave you to decide whether and how you will remain relevant in the new Japan."

Sanemune bowed, stood up and prepared to leave.

"I regret that  while I find your vision inspiring, I doubt whether the Japanese people, even your retainers, are ready for your 'New Japan," the Emperor said. "I think that an order which has lasted for more than a thousand years cannot be so easily swept away even by one visionary young daimyo."


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