Saturday 25 February 2012

STW AAR - Mori Summer 1557

In summer 1557, the last Shoni province, Osumi, falls to the Mori. The Shoni are destroyed and Kyushu is now divided between the Ouchi and the Mori. This marks the end of the Kyushu campaign.

The successful 3 year Kyushu campaign has gained for the Mori 4 new provinces - Bungo, Buzen, Hyugo and Osumi. As a result the Mori has more than doubled in size into a 7 province clan and is now a veritable great clan. Their Ouchi allies also achieved great success in their incursion into Kyushu. Together, they are a match for the Hojo clan, one of the largest clans in northern Japan.

Mori Takamoto's army did not have to fight any epic battles to acquire the Kyushu provinces. They only had to assault lightly defended fortresses. It is highly likely that the Shoni army had been destroyed by the Ouchi even before the Mori began their invasion. All that was, therefore, required was a degree of dash and daring in keeping one step ahead of the Ouchi and snatching the Shoni provinces out of their hands. 
The end of the Kyushu campaign concludes the first stage of the Mori's grand strategy.

The focus in the near term is to consolidate our gains in Kyushu.

Religious reform

The key to security in Kyushu is to drastically reduce the influence of Christianity. At the moment, garrisoning costs are high due to the volatile Christian population.

A major step in diminishing Christian influence is the destruction of the Nanban port in Bungo and denial of access to all foreigners. It is hoped that the population of Kyushu will soon forget the strange ideas brought here by the foreigners. 

Agricultural development

The lessons of the peasant revolts in Aki must never be forgotten. The Mori is giving priority to the development of farmland to ensure that there is always enough grain to feed our expanded population.

Commissioner of Development

The clan has appointed Shishido Akinaga, a middling general, as Commissioner of Development. He will oversee all building works in Kyushu.


Kyushu provides access to a number of trading nodes. Over the next few seasons, the clan will build trade ships to expoit these opportunities.

New trade opportunities are presented

STW2 AAR - Mori Summer 1556

A large Ouchi army is on its way to conquer Hyuga. Metsuke report that Hyuga Castle is lightly defended and is certain to fall to the Ouchi. This forces Mori Takamoto's hand. The Tiger of Kyushu mobilizes a small force of veteran samurai and force marches them past the Ouchi army. The army stops just short of Hyuga Castle. Takamoto, fearing that the Ouchi will beat him to Hyuga Castle in the next season, leaves his army behind, races ahead to the castle and begins the siege with only his bodyguards, the rest of his army following close behind.

The dawn brings danger to Hyuga Castle
After a brief battle, Hyuga Castle falls to the Mori.

The Ouchi cannot fail to feel cheated by this. But Takamoto expects that diplomacy will soon smooth things over.

STW2 AAR - Mori Autumn 1555

More good news from Kyushu, Buzen Castle has fallen to the Mori! The Mori are now a 5 province clan!

Fall of Buzen Castle

Spies report that Buzen Castle was poorly defended. Mori Takamoto decides that a small force of samurai would be sufficient to take the castle. In Autumn, Mori Takamoto personally leads fives companies of samurai and ashigeru into Buzen province by way of the sea, and attacks Buzen Castle by main force.

Heavy Samurai lead the attack on Buzen Castle

Storming the walls of Buzen Castle

Mori Takamoto gains a reputation in his army as the "Tiger of Kyushu". Under his inspired leadership, they will follow him into hell and back.

The Tiger of Kyushu


The rapid advance of the Mori in Kyushu might cause the Ouchi to feel uneasy. The Mori make a small donation to the Ouchi to assure them of our friendly intentions.

Clan management

Mori Motoharu's loyalty has always been questionable. This is partly due to the influence of his ambitious wife. To keep him happy the clan has appointed him Commissioner of Finance. Mori Takakage is appointed Commissioner of Warfare.

Mori Motoharu's star rises in the clan

STW2 AAR - Mori Winter 1554

Reports arrive from Mori Takamoto's army in Kyushu. Bungo Castle has fallen to the Mori!

To win the hearts of the people, Takamoto issues strict orders to his troops that there will be no looting, no harassment of the local populace. Disobedience of these orders will be punished by death!


The Mori have always enjoyed reasonably good relations with the Nanban. In Aki, there have even been rumours that some Japanese have secretly converted to the Nanban's barbaric religion. The authorities turned a blind eye to all of this. However, in Bungo, Mori Takamoto was confronted for the first time with an entire province openly devoted to the cult of the crucified God. He viewed with apprehension the many churches, Nanban priests leading proselytes about in the streets, the temples fallen into ruin and even Japanese wearing Nanban clothing! He witnessed first hand a bizarre ritual whereby the adherents of this cult seeminly drink the blood and eat the flesh of their god.

100% of the population are Christians
 Takamoto determined to put an end to all this. But repressive measures were out of the question. The deluded natives of Bungo must be led gently back to the pure teachings of Buddha. He immediately set about repairing the monastries in order to bring the monks back to Bungo.

Monk Michihide arrives in Kyushu to turn back the wayward natives

He wondered whether the heretical beliefs of the people of Kyushu, something completely overlooked by the clan leaders, will slow down, or perhaps even hinder the Mori's secure occupation of Kyushu.

STW2 AAR - Mori Autumn 1554

The Mori begin their invasion of Kyushu. The first step in the Mori's grand strategy.

STW2 AAR - Mori Spring 1554 #2

In light of the virtual anhilation of both their invasion army and fleet, the Imagawa agree eagerly to a peace treaty.

The Mori are now free to turn their attentions on Kyushu.

Mori Grand Strategy

In a secret council, with all of the most important clan members gathered, Daimyo Motonari articulates the Mori master plan: 

The Mori must establish a secure base in the south - Kyushu island. In the near term, all the energies of the clan, diplomatic, military and economic, will be focussed on this single objective. The Ouchi have already made in roads into Kyushu. The Mori must move quickly to ensure that they get their slice.

Once the Mori and Ouchi eliminate the Shoni, the Mori and Ouchi will jointly dominate the south. By this time Mori will have achieved great clan status. The Mori will build strong ties with the Ouchi, perhaps through inter marriages. Keeping the Ouchi on friendly terms will be the focus of diplomacy in the middle term. From this secure base in the south, the Mori will begin the great struggle for Central Japan...

Naval battle, Coast of Izumi, 1554

The Mori naval samurai have long been looked down upon by their land based counterparts. Shooting arrows from boats never seemed quite as honourable as close combat in siege and land battles.

So, this time the Mori sea samurai were eager to demonstrate their fighting qualities and win a resounding naval victory.

The Imagawa fleet takes the initiative and goes on the offensive. They close in fast on the Mori combined fleet. The Mori form a line of battle of medium bunes with bow kobayas in support slightly behind at the flanks. A Mori fire ship lays a screen of mines in front of their battle line.
In the background, a Mori fireship drops a screen of mines.
However, the Imagawa see the mines and manouver to avoid them, splitting their fleet into two groups.

However, in the confusion of battle, and the inability of the Imagawa to break the Mori line of battle, some Imagawa ships stray into mines.

An unfortunate Imagawa bune rows into a mine
 The qualitative superiority of the Mori at sea, as well as quantative superiority in bunes, begin to tell on the Imagawa. They begin to rout.

A few Imagawa ships escape. But the Mori manage to capture some ships. However, maintaining so many ships would be too much of a drain on the treasury. So the Mori seamen are forced, reluctantly, to scuttle their prizes.

In this battle, the Mori did not lose a single ship. This was not considered to be a great battle as the Imagawa have shown themselves to be too inferior to the Mori at sea.

Maybe, next time the Mori navy will encounter a worthier opponent...

Friday 24 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Spring 1554 #1

( last. Weekends = STW2 time!)

Having recently destroyed the Imagawa invasion army at the Battle of Iwami Ginzan in the winter, and repulsed a peasant attack on Aki Castle, Daimyo Mononari recovered suffient peace of mind to enjoy a comforting pot of green tea in the shade of the budding cherry blossoms

Reports reached him that combined fleet has found the Imagawa invasion fleet and is poised to strike. Daimyo Motonari began to think, the Mori fleet is likely to suffer serious damage in that battle even if it results in victory. And with what gained? The Mori have no desire to take the battle to the Imagawa lands which would bring them into contact with the great clans in central Japan. Further, it is not in our interest to weaken the Imagawa too much and make them an easy target for the other clans. Our strategic interests lie in the South, Kyshu island. For that we will need our fleet. Perhaps we can make peace with the Imagawa, let them have the Chinese silk trade, then Mori would be free to strike south. The Ouchi and the Mori together will carve up Kyshu!  

Having made up his mind, Daimyo Motonari sends envoys to the Imagawa to broker peace. As an additional incentive, he offered a trade agreement.

But, the Imagawa rebuff his generous offer!

Daimyo Motonari is furious "Burn their ships!" he exclaims.

Saturday 18 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Battle of Iwami Ginzan, Winter 1553

The battle of Iwami Ginzan resulted in a devastating victory for the Mori against the forces of Imagawa.

On a misty winter's morning, the Imagawa army, commanded by Tani Tatatoki, attempt to force the river crossing which was defended by Mori Takamoto. Takamoto deployed his main force facing the bridge, and  blocking units at fordable points on the far left and right.

The Mori determined to hold the bridge against the Imagawa
 But Tatatoki concentrates all his forces against the bridge.

The Imagawa marching through the mist
 The air trembles with the sound of marching feet and the frozen ground shudders beneath the hoofs and shoes of the Imagawa as they close on the bridge

Mori Takamoto gazes at the approaching enemy under the cover of a sparse bamboo forest. He issues orders to draw in the blocking units at fords.

Mori Takamoto with bodyguards in the bamboo forest
  After some hesitation, the Imagawa pour across the bridge in force under fire from Mori Samurai archers. Their own archers provide covering fire from the back.

Imagawa crossing the bridge, sillhouetted against a silvery sky
 Mori and Imagawa lock horns, red versus black lacquered armour. Commanders shout orders above the clamour of steel striking against steel, the sound of battle cries and the screams of the wounded. Arrows whistle through the air above the crush. Occassionally, the sharp staccato of arquebus fire is heard.

Slaughter at the bridge

The Mori deployed arquebusiers at the Battle of Iwami Ginzan
 In the end, it is too much for the Imagawa. Individual units begin to break and run. Takamoto, in the meantime has ordered his light and yari calvary to cross the fords on both sides of the bridge and attack the Imagawa rear. The Imagawa are caught in between the hammer and the anvil. The mere appearance of the Mori cavalry in the rear causes the entire Imagawa army to rout.

Mori cavalry charge through the mist at terrified Ashigaru
  The Mori cavalry hunt down the stragglers but the fate of Tani Tatatoki is uncertain.

STW2 AAR - Mori Winter 1553

The situation has worsened. The Mori have been drawn into a war with the Shoni through their allies the Ouchi. The Mori must now deal with both the Imagawa and Shoni.

The red patches are the clans with which the Mori are at war
The Imagawa invasion army is commanded by Tani Takatoki. He has decided not attacked Izumo Castle, content instead with raiding farms. Mori Takamoto takes up a defensive position at a river crossing and hopes to wear out Tani Takatoki with attrition.

An Imagawa trade fleet has wrested the China silk trade route away from the Mori putting a big hole in our coffers. The news is greeted with consternation. "But the destruction of the Imagawa invasion fleet must remain our first priority," say the admirals.

In the meantime rebels have risen yet again in Aki! Aki Castle is threatened but a Kikkawa army is on hand to assist.

Tani Takatoki attacks Mori Takamoto at the river crossing! The strength is even but the Mori have clear positional advantage. Takamoto's forsight pays off.

In the black, winter's night, a lone yari cavalryman appears before the gates of Aki, his horse snorting loudly with exhaustion.  "Open the gates!" shouts the cavalryman, his voice carrying across the hills "Open the gates! I carry an urgent missive for my lord, the Daimyo!"

Daimyo Motonari, reads the scroll, then, visibly emotional, he covers his eyes with his hand and utters,"Thank the gods. Oh, thank the gods!"

STW2 AAR - Mori Autumn 1553

We did not seek war, but war has come to us from an unlikely quarter - the Imagawa. Our Ouchi and Kikkawa allies have proven faithful and are with us in this war. The Imagawa are alone.

The Imagawa have landed an invasion force close to Castle Iwami (held by Mori Takakage, an untried general). General Takamoto has brought up the army to reinforce Iwami. His army sits just outside Castle Iwami. It is expected that the Imagawa will attack soon.

On the naval front, Fukubaru's fleet having dealt with a fleet of Wako Raiders, will link up with Kuchiba's fleet.

Fukubara's fleet engages with Wako raiders.
The mission of combined fleet is to find and destroy the Imagawa fleet at Iwami. If successful the Imagawa army will be stranded in hostile territory. 

In Aki, to appease the peasants, the Daimyo Motonari has taken emergency measures and exempted Aki from taxes for a season. This will put pressure on our revenues.

STW2 AAR - Mori Summer 1553

The persistent food crisis in Aki has once again pushed the peasants into open rebellion. Once again Mori Takamoto is on hand with the army to suppress the rebellion.

"Killing our own people...That is not what this army was created for!" Takamoto grumbles. Mori Takamoto attacks the rebels at Koriyama.

Battle of Koriyama
Predictably, the rebels are cut to pieces.

STW2 AAR - Mori Autumn 1552

Our greatest fears are realised! Despite repression and the actions of metsuke, peasant discontent due to  food shortages has spilled over into open rebellion.

Daimyo Motonari had anticipated this and had earlier ordered the army, led by son and heir Mori Takamoto, back to the capital one season ago. General Takamoto is now in a position to crush the peasants with brute force! But the peasants, knowing that they are out matched, refuse battle. They retreat.

Meanwhile, wako raiders blockade the nanban port at Aki. Fukubara's fleet is on the way to break the blockade. The wako raiders, in a brazen move, seek out and attack Fukubara's fleet in the Western Seto Inland Sea.

But the pirates are defeated, although at times the battle felt very close indeed.

Castle Aki found itself surrounded by very hungry, and very angry, peasants. These peasants appear to led by some ronin.

Some said that Daimyo Motonari "flapped about" like a startled fowl throughout the battle. But somehow the garrison beat back the besiegers in spite of his less than inspired leadership.

All in all, the Mori Autumn of 1552 was a season of Ran (chaos).

STW2 AAR - Mori Winter 1551

The Yamana have destroyed the Amako!...So much for relying on the Amako as a buffer. Yamana is now a 4 province clan.

"We must move against the Yamana! We must put them in their place before they grow too strong!" the generals clamor.

"No," Daimyo Motonari says quietly,"this is an opportunity not a threat. The Yamana have now grown rich, richer than the Amako. We must open trade with the Yamana. We will transform a potential adversary into a client!"

"This daimyo can't take his eyes off the moneybags. This is no fighting daimyo!" mutter the generals. Only time will tell if trade can satisfy the ambitions of the Yamana.

STW2 AAR - Mori Summer 1551

Food shortages are reported in Aki.

Food supplies are already at full capacity. Daimyo Mori Motonari worries about the prospect of peasant uprisings.

Military expenditure has focussed on naval power. As the Mori establish new trade routes, Daimyo Mori Motonari decides that they would need a strong navy to defend the trade nodes. This is the primary mission of the navy.

"Growing wealth through sea trade is the Mori way," says Daimyo Motonari, to the dissatisfaction of his generals. "What can we expect from a Daimyo who has never led an army in the field!" they mutter to themselves

The Mori navy now consists of:

Fukubara's Fleet - defending the Korean cotton trade

2 Medium Bune
1 Bow Kobaya
2 Trade ships

Shishido's Fleet - defending the Chinese silk trade

1 Medium Bune
2 Bow Kobaya
2 Trade ships

STW2 AAR - Mori Spring 1551

Here is the current state of play.

The Mori, starting from their home province Aki, have now expanded into 2 provinces previously owned by the Amako - Izumo and Iwami. Izumo was stormed shortly after the Battle of Matsue (described in the last post), but it was not easy, even against the shattered survivors of the Battle of Matsue.

The Amako, with only one province remaining, Hoki, and no army to defend it, decide to sue for peace. The Mori accept, even though it would be too easy to walk right into Hoki. They consider that it would be wise to allow the Amako to regenerate and exist as a buffer while the Mori focus on developing their lands behind neutral and friendly clans.

STW2 AAR - Battle of Matsue, Autumn 1548

Hi Guys!

I'm partway through a STW2 campaign and I'm playing Mori clan.

It is autumn of 1548, and the Mori are at war with the Amako.

 The Amako have their main army, commanded by Amako Sadatoki, garrisoned in Castle Ito, one company of Ashigaru is encamped in the field on its way to Castle Ito. General Mori Motoharu calculates that it would be much easier to face the Amako force in the field than to besiege them at Castle Ito. He decides to attack the single company of Ashigaru to draw out the main Amako force. It works.  What ensues is the battle of Matsue. Here are the starting positions.

The Mori have taken up positions in the forest. The main Amako force is closing in fast from the left flank. A single unit of light cavalry is deployed on the far left as scouts. The Mori turn to meet the main Amako force.

As the single company of Amako Ashigaru try to link up with the main Amako force, the Mori light cavalry charge between the two armies and shatters this company of Ashigaru.

Charge of the Mori Light Cavalry
 The light cavalry is withdrawn to the rear. They've done their bit for this battle. The two forces face off across an open field. The Amako have the high ground.

Mori Motoharu decides to send his right wing to flank the enemy's left. He sends his archers forward to cover the advance.

Mori Motoharu personally leads the attack on the left. As the Mori right advances in the open field it is easy for the Amako to see what's brewing. A single unit of samurai archers turn to harass the advancing Mori, but their fire is mostly ineffective as they are firing from the reverse slope. The Mori right engages the Amako left.

In this picture, as Mori Yari Ashigaru charge into the Amako left, in the background, you can see the rest of the Mori army beginning to surge towards the Amako.

As the Amako are engaged from the front, left and rear, they are quickly broken and Mori Motoharu wins his first battle. In this picture, Yari Samurai are charging the Amako from the rear, but they are late unfortunately. The battle is already over, and the enemy are routing.

Yari Samurai charge the Amako