Saturday 25 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Spring 1554 #2

In light of the virtual anhilation of both their invasion army and fleet, the Imagawa agree eagerly to a peace treaty.

The Mori are now free to turn their attentions on Kyushu.

Mori Grand Strategy

In a secret council, with all of the most important clan members gathered, Daimyo Motonari articulates the Mori master plan: 

The Mori must establish a secure base in the south - Kyushu island. In the near term, all the energies of the clan, diplomatic, military and economic, will be focussed on this single objective. The Ouchi have already made in roads into Kyushu. The Mori must move quickly to ensure that they get their slice.

Once the Mori and Ouchi eliminate the Shoni, the Mori and Ouchi will jointly dominate the south. By this time Mori will have achieved great clan status. The Mori will build strong ties with the Ouchi, perhaps through inter marriages. Keeping the Ouchi on friendly terms will be the focus of diplomacy in the middle term. From this secure base in the south, the Mori will begin the great struggle for Central Japan...

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