Saturday 18 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Battle of Iwami Ginzan, Winter 1553

The battle of Iwami Ginzan resulted in a devastating victory for the Mori against the forces of Imagawa.

On a misty winter's morning, the Imagawa army, commanded by Tani Tatatoki, attempt to force the river crossing which was defended by Mori Takamoto. Takamoto deployed his main force facing the bridge, and  blocking units at fordable points on the far left and right.

The Mori determined to hold the bridge against the Imagawa
 But Tatatoki concentrates all his forces against the bridge.

The Imagawa marching through the mist
 The air trembles with the sound of marching feet and the frozen ground shudders beneath the hoofs and shoes of the Imagawa as they close on the bridge

Mori Takamoto gazes at the approaching enemy under the cover of a sparse bamboo forest. He issues orders to draw in the blocking units at fords.

Mori Takamoto with bodyguards in the bamboo forest
  After some hesitation, the Imagawa pour across the bridge in force under fire from Mori Samurai archers. Their own archers provide covering fire from the back.

Imagawa crossing the bridge, sillhouetted against a silvery sky
 Mori and Imagawa lock horns, red versus black lacquered armour. Commanders shout orders above the clamour of steel striking against steel, the sound of battle cries and the screams of the wounded. Arrows whistle through the air above the crush. Occassionally, the sharp staccato of arquebus fire is heard.

Slaughter at the bridge

The Mori deployed arquebusiers at the Battle of Iwami Ginzan
 In the end, it is too much for the Imagawa. Individual units begin to break and run. Takamoto, in the meantime has ordered his light and yari calvary to cross the fords on both sides of the bridge and attack the Imagawa rear. The Imagawa are caught in between the hammer and the anvil. The mere appearance of the Mori cavalry in the rear causes the entire Imagawa army to rout.

Mori cavalry charge through the mist at terrified Ashigaru
  The Mori cavalry hunt down the stragglers but the fate of Tani Tatatoki is uncertain.

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