Saturday 18 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Battle of Matsue, Autumn 1548

Hi Guys!

I'm partway through a STW2 campaign and I'm playing Mori clan.

It is autumn of 1548, and the Mori are at war with the Amako.

 The Amako have their main army, commanded by Amako Sadatoki, garrisoned in Castle Ito, one company of Ashigaru is encamped in the field on its way to Castle Ito. General Mori Motoharu calculates that it would be much easier to face the Amako force in the field than to besiege them at Castle Ito. He decides to attack the single company of Ashigaru to draw out the main Amako force. It works.  What ensues is the battle of Matsue. Here are the starting positions.

The Mori have taken up positions in the forest. The main Amako force is closing in fast from the left flank. A single unit of light cavalry is deployed on the far left as scouts. The Mori turn to meet the main Amako force.

As the single company of Amako Ashigaru try to link up with the main Amako force, the Mori light cavalry charge between the two armies and shatters this company of Ashigaru.

Charge of the Mori Light Cavalry
 The light cavalry is withdrawn to the rear. They've done their bit for this battle. The two forces face off across an open field. The Amako have the high ground.

Mori Motoharu decides to send his right wing to flank the enemy's left. He sends his archers forward to cover the advance.

Mori Motoharu personally leads the attack on the left. As the Mori right advances in the open field it is easy for the Amako to see what's brewing. A single unit of samurai archers turn to harass the advancing Mori, but their fire is mostly ineffective as they are firing from the reverse slope. The Mori right engages the Amako left.

In this picture, as Mori Yari Ashigaru charge into the Amako left, in the background, you can see the rest of the Mori army beginning to surge towards the Amako.

As the Amako are engaged from the front, left and rear, they are quickly broken and Mori Motoharu wins his first battle. In this picture, Yari Samurai are charging the Amako from the rear, but they are late unfortunately. The battle is already over, and the enemy are routing.

Yari Samurai charge the Amako 

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