Saturday 18 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Summer 1551

Food shortages are reported in Aki.

Food supplies are already at full capacity. Daimyo Mori Motonari worries about the prospect of peasant uprisings.

Military expenditure has focussed on naval power. As the Mori establish new trade routes, Daimyo Mori Motonari decides that they would need a strong navy to defend the trade nodes. This is the primary mission of the navy.

"Growing wealth through sea trade is the Mori way," says Daimyo Motonari, to the dissatisfaction of his generals. "What can we expect from a Daimyo who has never led an army in the field!" they mutter to themselves

The Mori navy now consists of:

Fukubara's Fleet - defending the Korean cotton trade

2 Medium Bune
1 Bow Kobaya
2 Trade ships

Shishido's Fleet - defending the Chinese silk trade

1 Medium Bune
2 Bow Kobaya
2 Trade ships

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