Saturday 18 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Winter 1553

The situation has worsened. The Mori have been drawn into a war with the Shoni through their allies the Ouchi. The Mori must now deal with both the Imagawa and Shoni.

The red patches are the clans with which the Mori are at war
The Imagawa invasion army is commanded by Tani Takatoki. He has decided not attacked Izumo Castle, content instead with raiding farms. Mori Takamoto takes up a defensive position at a river crossing and hopes to wear out Tani Takatoki with attrition.

An Imagawa trade fleet has wrested the China silk trade route away from the Mori putting a big hole in our coffers. The news is greeted with consternation. "But the destruction of the Imagawa invasion fleet must remain our first priority," say the admirals.

In the meantime rebels have risen yet again in Aki! Aki Castle is threatened but a Kikkawa army is on hand to assist.

Tani Takatoki attacks Mori Takamoto at the river crossing! The strength is even but the Mori have clear positional advantage. Takamoto's forsight pays off.

In the black, winter's night, a lone yari cavalryman appears before the gates of Aki, his horse snorting loudly with exhaustion.  "Open the gates!" shouts the cavalryman, his voice carrying across the hills "Open the gates! I carry an urgent missive for my lord, the Daimyo!"

Daimyo Motonari, reads the scroll, then, visibly emotional, he covers his eyes with his hand and utters,"Thank the gods. Oh, thank the gods!"

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