Saturday 25 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Winter 1554

Reports arrive from Mori Takamoto's army in Kyushu. Bungo Castle has fallen to the Mori!

To win the hearts of the people, Takamoto issues strict orders to his troops that there will be no looting, no harassment of the local populace. Disobedience of these orders will be punished by death!


The Mori have always enjoyed reasonably good relations with the Nanban. In Aki, there have even been rumours that some Japanese have secretly converted to the Nanban's barbaric religion. The authorities turned a blind eye to all of this. However, in Bungo, Mori Takamoto was confronted for the first time with an entire province openly devoted to the cult of the crucified God. He viewed with apprehension the many churches, Nanban priests leading proselytes about in the streets, the temples fallen into ruin and even Japanese wearing Nanban clothing! He witnessed first hand a bizarre ritual whereby the adherents of this cult seeminly drink the blood and eat the flesh of their god.

100% of the population are Christians
 Takamoto determined to put an end to all this. But repressive measures were out of the question. The deluded natives of Bungo must be led gently back to the pure teachings of Buddha. He immediately set about repairing the monastries in order to bring the monks back to Bungo.

Monk Michihide arrives in Kyushu to turn back the wayward natives

He wondered whether the heretical beliefs of the people of Kyushu, something completely overlooked by the clan leaders, will slow down, or perhaps even hinder the Mori's secure occupation of Kyushu.

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