Saturday 25 February 2012

STW AAR - Mori Summer 1557

In summer 1557, the last Shoni province, Osumi, falls to the Mori. The Shoni are destroyed and Kyushu is now divided between the Ouchi and the Mori. This marks the end of the Kyushu campaign.

The successful 3 year Kyushu campaign has gained for the Mori 4 new provinces - Bungo, Buzen, Hyugo and Osumi. As a result the Mori has more than doubled in size into a 7 province clan and is now a veritable great clan. Their Ouchi allies also achieved great success in their incursion into Kyushu. Together, they are a match for the Hojo clan, one of the largest clans in northern Japan.

Mori Takamoto's army did not have to fight any epic battles to acquire the Kyushu provinces. They only had to assault lightly defended fortresses. It is highly likely that the Shoni army had been destroyed by the Ouchi even before the Mori began their invasion. All that was, therefore, required was a degree of dash and daring in keeping one step ahead of the Ouchi and snatching the Shoni provinces out of their hands. 
The end of the Kyushu campaign concludes the first stage of the Mori's grand strategy.

The focus in the near term is to consolidate our gains in Kyushu.

Religious reform

The key to security in Kyushu is to drastically reduce the influence of Christianity. At the moment, garrisoning costs are high due to the volatile Christian population.

A major step in diminishing Christian influence is the destruction of the Nanban port in Bungo and denial of access to all foreigners. It is hoped that the population of Kyushu will soon forget the strange ideas brought here by the foreigners. 

Agricultural development

The lessons of the peasant revolts in Aki must never be forgotten. The Mori is giving priority to the development of farmland to ensure that there is always enough grain to feed our expanded population.

Commissioner of Development

The clan has appointed Shishido Akinaga, a middling general, as Commissioner of Development. He will oversee all building works in Kyushu.


Kyushu provides access to a number of trading nodes. Over the next few seasons, the clan will build trade ships to expoit these opportunities.

New trade opportunities are presented

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