Saturday 18 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Autumn 1553

We did not seek war, but war has come to us from an unlikely quarter - the Imagawa. Our Ouchi and Kikkawa allies have proven faithful and are with us in this war. The Imagawa are alone.

The Imagawa have landed an invasion force close to Castle Iwami (held by Mori Takakage, an untried general). General Takamoto has brought up the army to reinforce Iwami. His army sits just outside Castle Iwami. It is expected that the Imagawa will attack soon.

On the naval front, Fukubaru's fleet having dealt with a fleet of Wako Raiders, will link up with Kuchiba's fleet.

Fukubara's fleet engages with Wako raiders.
The mission of combined fleet is to find and destroy the Imagawa fleet at Iwami. If successful the Imagawa army will be stranded in hostile territory. 

In Aki, to appease the peasants, the Daimyo Motonari has taken emergency measures and exempted Aki from taxes for a season. This will put pressure on our revenues.

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