Friday 24 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Spring 1554 #1

( last. Weekends = STW2 time!)

Having recently destroyed the Imagawa invasion army at the Battle of Iwami Ginzan in the winter, and repulsed a peasant attack on Aki Castle, Daimyo Mononari recovered suffient peace of mind to enjoy a comforting pot of green tea in the shade of the budding cherry blossoms

Reports reached him that combined fleet has found the Imagawa invasion fleet and is poised to strike. Daimyo Motonari began to think, the Mori fleet is likely to suffer serious damage in that battle even if it results in victory. And with what gained? The Mori have no desire to take the battle to the Imagawa lands which would bring them into contact with the great clans in central Japan. Further, it is not in our interest to weaken the Imagawa too much and make them an easy target for the other clans. Our strategic interests lie in the South, Kyshu island. For that we will need our fleet. Perhaps we can make peace with the Imagawa, let them have the Chinese silk trade, then Mori would be free to strike south. The Ouchi and the Mori together will carve up Kyshu!  

Having made up his mind, Daimyo Motonari sends envoys to the Imagawa to broker peace. As an additional incentive, he offered a trade agreement.

But, the Imagawa rebuff his generous offer!

Daimyo Motonari is furious "Burn their ships!" he exclaims.

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