Saturday 18 February 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Autumn 1552

Our greatest fears are realised! Despite repression and the actions of metsuke, peasant discontent due to  food shortages has spilled over into open rebellion.

Daimyo Motonari had anticipated this and had earlier ordered the army, led by son and heir Mori Takamoto, back to the capital one season ago. General Takamoto is now in a position to crush the peasants with brute force! But the peasants, knowing that they are out matched, refuse battle. They retreat.

Meanwhile, wako raiders blockade the nanban port at Aki. Fukubara's fleet is on the way to break the blockade. The wako raiders, in a brazen move, seek out and attack Fukubara's fleet in the Western Seto Inland Sea.

But the pirates are defeated, although at times the battle felt very close indeed.

Castle Aki found itself surrounded by very hungry, and very angry, peasants. These peasants appear to led by some ronin.

Some said that Daimyo Motonari "flapped about" like a startled fowl throughout the battle. But somehow the garrison beat back the besiegers in spite of his less than inspired leadership.

All in all, the Mori Autumn of 1552 was a season of Ran (chaos).

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