Friday 2 March 2012

STW2 AAR - Mori Spring 1558

The Daimyo Motonari is dead!

Mori Takamoto takesover the leadership of the clan.

Daimyo Takamoto

It has been 3 years since Mori Takamoto had last seen his native province of Aki. He now returns to it as Daimyo Takamoto at the conclusion of a successful campaign of conquest.  He and his army of battle scarred, veteran samurai, create a powerful impression on the population as they march through the streets of Aki. His prestige has never been higher. He sensed a mood of divine providence in the timing of his father's death.

Before his assembled kinsmen and retainers, Daimyo Takamoto declares:

"When my father was a boy, may he rest in peace, the Mori clan was no more than this single province of Aki. Today, within a short span of years, we have grown into seven provinces. Our ancestors never dreamed that we could become so great. But changed circumstances requires a change of strategy. Therefore, I have decided that we will conduct a full strategic review into all the affairs of the clan. You must mobilise your most talented scholars, accounts men, and strategists towards this task. I will hold a great council at Aki in one months time, at which, you must give your report. At this time we will decide the future direction of our clan."

He gave a brief sideward glance to his two brothers, sitting stoney faced on his left. He knew what was on their minds.

"As for the matter of the succession ... I will decide after the meeting of our great council."

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