Tuesday 20 March 2012

Tit for Tat

In summer 1564, the Ouchi invade along the Kokura - Fukuoka road taking Kokura Castle by storm.

The small Kokura garrison is overwhelmed but they make the most of the castle defences and extract a high price from the Ouchi.

The following autumn Daimyo Takamoto attacks Hagi Castle in Nagato keen to exact revenge for the loss of Kokura. But Hagi, unlike Kokura is a massively built fortress, the capital city of the Ouchi. Among its defenders are 7 companies of samurai archers. Taking Hagi will not be an easy proposition, but Takamoto is counting on his armored samurai - nagingata, yari and katana - to do the job. He can also count on the support of the Kikkawa army bringing up the rear. Has Daimyo Takamoto bitten off more than he can chew?


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