Sunday 4 March 2012

Review of Land Units

Mori auxillaries

The Mori's affinity with the sea has allowed them to recuit pirates into their ranks - the Wako raiders. These raiders excel in hand to hand combat and are in fact superior to ordinary katana samurai. Only the armor of the samurai give them the defensive edge.

                            K Sam           WR
Morale                   10                 10
Melee Attack          12                12
Melee Def               5                  8
Charge bonus          17                14
Armor                      5                  3

Considering that they are also cheaper than k samurai, they are and attractive alternative to k samurai.

Spear units of Aki

Aki province, because of its pilgrim hostel, produces the most motivated land units. Of these the warrior monks are the most motivated of all foot soldiers and the best assault units. However, their lack of armor makes them vulnerable.

                              2expWM      1expNS         1exp YS           2exp YAsh
Morale                   20                 15                   15                    10
Melee Attack          16                10                     7                       6
Melee Def               11                 8                      10                     6
Charge bonus          14                 14                    17                     3
Armor                      2                  9                      5                       2
Vs Cavalry               10                15                    25                     20

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