Saturday 10 March 2012

The Voyage Home/Takakage's proposal

The Voyage Home

Daimyo Takamoto returned to Aki with the remnants of his army in spring 1563. On the voyage home they encounter a Chosokabe fleet, no doubt on a spying mission off the coast of Aki. The fleet is easily destroyed by the Mori.

Takakage's proposal

The mood was somber as the Daimyo sat in council before his assembled retainers and kinsmen. In his mood of morose introspection, the Daimyo did not notice the Commissioner of Warfare, Mori Takakage, fidgiting about, dying to say something. Eventually, Takakage took a deep breath, shuffled forward and bowed before the Daimyo. The Daimyo was startled when he spoke.

"My Lord," said Takakage,"You always said that when the wolf is pinned down by the head, one must never let go. In the battle of Takamatsu, my Lord has grievously wounded the Chosokabe wolf, now we must not let him recover. We have to maintain pressure on the Chosokabe and keep him on the defensive."

Everyone listened in disbelieving silence, wondering what Takakage could possibly suggest.

Takakage continued, "While my lord was away, I have been assidously recruiting an army. I have recruited a sizable force of ashigeru, warrior monks and pirates. Imabari Castle in Iyo is poorly defended. I propose that we use this force to attack and occupy Imabari castle!"

"And how will the Chosokabe respond?" one of the retainers asked.

"The Chosokabe main army has been destroyed in Sanuki! They do not have sufficient force to defend Iyo." said Takakage.

"But we do not know this for sure!" another retainer protested.

Takakage followed quickly,"We only need to hold Imabari for one season! By then, the main army under my lord will be replenished and will be in a position to reinforce Imabari or strike elsewhere. My lord, I am so confident of success that I offer to lead the invasion myself! Victory or death!"

The Daimyo thought, everything that Takakage is saying makes sense. But coming from Takakage? Takakage the drunkard? Takakage the womaniser? Who is this person before me? Is it still my brother?

"My lord!" Takage asked expectantly, his eyes bright with anticipation,"What do you say?"

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