Saturday 10 March 2012

Mori Takakage

It was an open secret that Mori Motoharu was envious of this brother, the Daimyo Takamoto's, power and popularity. This was due, in no small extent, to the influence of his ambitious wife who  whispered ideas to him in the quiet hours of the night that sometimes bordered on treachery. Motoharu was an open rival to the Daimyo. The Daimyo knew this and made sure that he kept two eyes on him at all times.

Mori Takakage, on the other hand, seemed like a harmless one. Sanguine, contented, unimaginative and addicted to geishas and sake, it was difficult to think that he was capable of wanting more than what he already had. However, only his most intimate friends, and there were not many, knew that underneath this agreeable exterior was a boiling pot of discontent. Mori Takakage had big dreams. His vision was as vast as the land of Japan itself, perhaps extending even beyond. From a young age he had been overlooked and underestimated by his father and brothers. Secretly, he resented this. So when news arrived from Sanuki that the Daimyo Takamoto was returning with a significantly reduced army and nothing to show for it, Takakage was secretly glad.

On the following morning, to everyone's surprise, he appeared before his household fully clad in armor, turned away his morning ration of sake, saddled his horse and rode away without telling anyone where he was going...

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