Friday 30 March 2012

Second Battle of Kochi, Spring 1569

Mori Motoharu looks down confidently at the Chosokabe hosts surrounding Kochi. Kira Kunihiro's army is formidable but Motoharu feels secure within the sturdy fortress of Kochi, on  high ground, surrounded by his army of veteran samurai.

"Instruct the cavalry to concentrate on the east and destroy the archers coming up there," he orders. From the heights he can observe the enemy's every move. The Chosokabe are attacking from the north, east and west.

Yamaguchi, the captain of cavalry, squints down at the forested valley. At first it is difficult to distinguish the Chosokabe samurai archers from the trees below, then he sees them. One, two, three companies of archers. He gives the order for the horse men to form up. As the archers come within shooting range, he gives the order to charge. The cavalry begin at a trot and then accelerate to a full gallop charging downhill with the force of avalanche.

"Instruct the nagingata to fall in outside the east gate" Motoharu orders as he sees the Chosokabe from he north vearing east. The Mori archers rain arrows with deadly effect upon the attackers as they march under the northern walls. One company of Chosokabe samurai archers is decimated and routs.

From the western wall, where most of the Mori archers are concentrated, Honen, captain of the elite bow warrior monks, observes the Chosokabe hosts below. He picks his target, a captain of samurai archers with an elaborate black lacquered kabuto. "In the left eye," he announces and lets his arrow fly. It hits the mark. He smiles and says to the men around him, "So, the Chosokabe fancy themselves to be gifted archers? How's that for archery!"

When the Chosokabe reach the western walls they begin to climb. Honen gives the order the fall back, it is time for the melee units to do their work. The katana samurai, nagingata samurai and ashigeru move up to the north side of the fortress. The archers take up positions further south and from there continue to pick off the Chosokabe climbing the walls.

On the eastern slopes it takes Yamaguchi and his cavalry two charges to break the Chosokabe samurai archers - a testimony to their discipline and morale. Chosokabe spearmen from the north attempt to attack the eastern gates but are met by Mori samurai.

The Chosokabe that survive the climb up the western walls are overwhelmed by the Mori melee troops while those beneath are easy pickings for the Mori archers. Mori Motoharu can barely contain his elation as he witnesses the disintegration of the last army remaining to the Chosokabe before the walls of Kochi.

Shikkoku of the Chosokabe is now completely defenceless before the Mori.

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