Saturday 3 March 2012

Elite Archers of Buzen

Buzen province, home to expert fletchers,  is known for producing the best archers in the Mori clan, possibly even in all of Japan.  Archers are graded in the key attributes of reloading , morale and accuracy. Here are some statistics.

                          Bow Cav               Sam. Bow                   Ashi Bow              (exp 3) Sam. Bow
Morale                11                            10                              5                                10
Reload                30                            44                              25                              46
Accuracy            70                             54                              35                             46

As you can see, an inexperienced samurai bowman from Buzen, straight out of archery school is already vastly superior to a level 3 experience veteran samurai bowman, and only slightly inferior in reloading skill.

Cavalry archers, with 70 accuracy, are positively deadly and would be ideal for targetting enemy generals 

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