Friday 2 March 2012

Council of Aki, 1558, Day 3


Mori Motoharu, Commissioner of Finance - 4% lower army upkeep costs, + 1 morale land defence.

Mori Takakage, Commissioner of Warfare - +1 Ashigaru morale, + 5% army upkeep, +1 morale overall, quicker special ability cooldown time. - 4% cost of recruiting.

In view of this, it is proposed that Motoharu have command of the army in peace time. Command will be transferred to Takakage or the Daimyo for offensive military operations in wartime. Takakage will be in charge of all recruiting.

Shishido Akinaga, Commissioner of Development - 2% lower building costs. Akinaga will be in charge of all building.

Province specialisations

Hyuga - Bow cavalry, +1 exp light cavalry

Buzen - Bow cavalry, +1 exp light cavalry, +5 accuracy bow units. (Buzen must be developed as a center of archery excellence).

Osumi - fire bombers

Aki - + 3 morale for all land units, +1 exp nagingata, +1 exp bow warrior monks, +2 ranks monks, +1 exp LC and ashigaru. (Aki will be the main source of land units. Develop monastery for monks)

Bungo - +1 ship crew recruits (Bungo will be developed as a naval center and the main source of naval units)

Iwami - +2 exp bows, k samurai, wako raiders

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