Saturday 3 March 2012

Intelligence updates

The Yamana

During the council of Aki, it was projected that the Yamana, facing war against many clans, would not survive long. We were wrong. The Yamana have held their own against their foes and are now a 9 province clan. It is fortunate that we enjoy good trading relations with the Yamana. Their good fortune is our good fortune.

The Chokosabe

We anticipated that the Chokosabe would win the war against the Miyoshi and dominate Shikkoku. We were right. The Miyoshi are completely eliminated.

The Mori have been engaged in a shadow war, waged by secret agents, with the Chokosabe for some time now in our attempts to penetrate their veil of secrecy. This has proven to be harder than first thought. The Chokosabe employ ninja and metsuke against us. We have lost good agents in the process. At the moment we have a monk, Michihide, and a metsuke, Shishido, operating in Shikkoku.

The Mori have developed a tactic of employing metsuke and monks together in tandem to share their advantages. Monks operate well against metsuke, and metsuke operate well against ninja.

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